
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Biathlon - a story in the Sacramento Bee

                                                            Photo © Holly A. Heyser 2012

A novice biathlete racing at the Auburn Ski Club drops
to the pad where she'll take five shots at targets 50 yards
away with a .22 rifle. Novices are not allowed to carry
rifles while skiing until they're certified.
Man, doing this story for the Sacramento Bee really made me want to branch out and try biathlon. It's not just because I need the exercise (boy do I!), but also because biathlon teaches you to calm your racing heart before taking a shot. Sounds perfect for hunting big game, eh?

Cool thing I learned during the reporting on this one is that one of the very few biathlon ranges in the entire West is just up the hill from where I live in Sacramento.

If any of you locals want to give it a try, the Auburn Ski Club will be doing another beginners clinic April 21, followed by a race the next day. The info is in the story.

© Holly A. Heyser 2012


  1. I'm still waiting for biathlon organizations to go back to the way it started, with cartridges in the .30 cal/7-8mm range. :)
